Friday, October 30, 2009

"Paranormal Activity" Breaks Record

"Paranormal Activity" has now officially passed "The Blair Witch Project" as the most profitable movie ever. Being that it was made for about $15,000 and has now made about $65 MILLION, the film has unbelievably generated almost a 415,000% return on its original cost. Paramount has also only spent about $10 million in the process of promoting the film. After slowly expanding into theaters across the United States, the film has become a must-see during the Halloween season. This, to me, makes "Paranormal Activity" the most successful movie in quite a while, due to both its unusual marketing strategy, and its release date.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you would be interested in the daily life of a 're-animated' Giant. Goliath lives
    in Jeffersonville
